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chainsWhat does Christianity call you to do? In what way have you sacrificed for the Savior?

We are familiar with the scriptural accounts of how the Apostles faced grim deprivation and suffering for the cause of Christ. They were willing to lay down their very lives for the church. But do you know that even the most inconspicuous Christians made dramatic and inspiring life decisions for Jesus?

Consider the case of Onesimus, a runaway slave who met Paul and obeyed the gospel in the city of Rome. He knew that the law of Christ compelled him to return to his master and throw himself on his mercy. He faced the prospect of returning to the bondage of chains. What faith in the Lord he demonstrates! What determination to hear Jesus say ‘Well done good and faithful servant!’

We, on the other hand, have difficulty not going to the ‘R’ rated movie that everyone else is watching, dressing modestly, or perhaps even paying our credit cards or taxes. Consider the conviction of Philemon and Onesimus.

‘Fellowship with a Fugitive’ by Bart Shaw