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Gospel and Doctrine

What is included in the message of the gospel and how, if at all, does that differ from what the Bible identifies as doctrine or teaching? The distinction between gospel and doctrine has been used by many as a means for establishing fellowship, but as evangelist Roger Boone demonstrates, this is a false plea for unity. Find out why in this presentation.

Gospel and Doctrine MP3 Link

The Comings of Christ Q&A

Please enjoy this question and answer session which followed Doug Edwards’ presentation on the comings of Jesus Christ to the earth.

The Comings of Christ Q&A MP3 Link

The Comings of Christ

The Comings of Christ MP3 Link

How many times has Christ, and will Christ, come to the earth? We know you will enjoy this interesting study from evangelist Doug Edwards on what the Bible says about Christ’s comings to the earth.

Works Q&A

Please enjoy this question and answer session following evangelist Brian Burns’ presentation on Biblical works.

Works Q&A MP3 Link


For centuries, Christian thinkers have wrestled with trying to balance two ideas taught in the New Testament: (1) salvation is by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9); and (2) salvation is “not by faith only” but also includes works (James 2:24). Evangelist Brian Burns helps to guide us through how to harmonize these seemingly competing concepts in an easy-to-follow and simplistic approach that will surely be a benefit to all Bible students.

“Works” by Brian Burns MP3 Link