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What about women teachers?

We live in an era when it is commonplace to see the church marquee outside many denominations adorned with the name of a female pastor. Indeed, modern egalitarian society finds it nearly impossible to believe that God would not allow women to assume the same role in...

May Women Teach the Bible in Public?

The clarity of Paul's teaching in 1 Corinthians 14:34-36 has convinced many people that women must not speak in the church (assembly), but some of these same people are not convinced that women are forbidden to speak publicly. What about it? May women teach in a...

The Five Points of Calvinism: Conclusion

Calvinism says: Because of being born in sin, all of us are spiritually dead, so dead we are unable to even have faith (Total Depravity).  Therefore, in order for us to be saved, God alone had to save us.  We know that everyone doesn't "get saved," so, God had to...

Selected 4th of July Sermons

The 4th of July Meeting in Springfield, Missouri this year was a great success and thanks to the efforts of the local brethren the gospel was preached to the lost, saints were edified, and the work of the Lord was done. The above photo (which can be clicked to enlarge...