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The Blessed Promise

We are thrilled to introduce a new, powerhouse of a young aspiring preacher–Austin Maddox. Brother Maddox hails from the state of Indiana and has already in his young life had to take a difficult stand for the truth alongside his family as they resolved to abandon human innovations in the work and worship of God and plead for a restoration of the ancient order of things. We trust that this dependence on the all sufficiency of God’s Word will characterize Austin’s life and preaching throughout his days.

It can be seen in this sermon, the second installment in our “Faith Builders” series, as he discusses “The Blessed Promise”. Austin takes us on a journey through the prophetic declarations of God during the Old Testament time and proves that all was God’s working in and through man to “bring him up to the school of Christ.” If you are interested in better understanding the role of the Old Testament and the Prophets in the scheme of Redemption we encourage you to listen to this study. Not only will you be informed, but encouraged by the magnitude of work that God has done unto your salvation!

We support Austin as he continues to better himself as a servant of God and seek opportunities to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ! – Clint De France

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