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The Kingdom of God

The role and significance of the church in God’s redemptive plan has been downplayed by many modern-day religious thinkers. A great number of people want to be saved and to have fellowship with Jesus, but they seek these spiritual blessings without any care or interest in Christ’s Kingdom. In this powerful sermon from evangelist Bruce Roebuck, we are reminded of the central position God has given the Kingdom.
The Kingdom of God MP3 Link

The Church And The Kingdom

The Church and The Kingdom 2

What an amazing theme is the Kingdom of God! The Church is a major part of the Kingdom and understanding the Bible’s teaching on this subject will both increase your appreciation of the Gospel and guard you against many popular errors of the modern religious world. Does the Church save us? Does the “Left Behind” series accurately portray the teaching of the Bible? Should Christians participate in carnal warfare? Can the Gospel still triumph in the modern world? As different as these questions seem, they are all answered in this study.

The Church and The Kingdom MP3 Link