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Why I Am A Member of the Church of Christ

Is there only one church that Jesus built? Evangelist Paul Nichols addresses this question in a sermon entitled 'Why I am a member of the church of Christ." "One day Jesus is going to present His church to Himself. He is going to renounce every other institution in...

The Family

MP3 Download In this wonderful sermon evangelist Greg Gay delivers a stirring call-to-arms for every Christian husband and wife. Our families are the building blocks...

Scriptural Teaching About Fellowship

The current division occurring in the church over the issue of fellowship is not novel, but over the years many men have challenged the Biblical view of fellowship. One such man was evangelist Carl Ketcherside (1908-1989). In this sermon, Johnny Elmore presents...

A Strong Church

MP3 Download What does it take to have a strong church? Is a congregation strong because it has an elaborate and ornate building or a large treasury? Is a...