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Selected 4th of July Sermons

The 4th of July Meeting in Springfield, Missouri this year was a great success and thanks to the efforts of the local brethren the gospel was preached to the lost, saints were edified, and the work of the Lord was done. The above photo (which can be clicked to enlarge...

Introduction to Calvinism by Glen Osburn

One of the many false theological systems that Christians must combat is known as 'Calvinism'. It bears the somewhat intimidating name of the French reformer John Calvin because of his prominence in its development.  Sadly, many people who consider themselves...

The Possibility of Apostasy-C.R. Nichol

'The Possibility of Apostasy' by C.R. Nichol is now available as a PDF book download. Brother Nichols lived from 1876 to 1971 and he was described as a captivating preacher who presented a large amount of scripture in each sermon. He was a renowned debater (60 debates...