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tulippastelOne of the many false theological systems that Christians must combat is known as ‘Calvinism’. It bears the somewhat intimidating name of the French reformer John Calvin because of his prominence in its development.  Sadly, many people who consider themselves followers of Christ have imbibed its erroneous dogma and believe that God shows favoritism to certain ‘elect’ people.

If you would like to learn more about Calvin and his teachings of ‘predestination’ and ‘total depravity’ please read evangelist Glen Osburn’s series of articles about the doctrine. We trust it will help you to be more prepared to spread the pure word of God unadulterated by the doctrines of men.


T: Total Depravity

U: Unconditional Election

L: Limited Atonement

I: Irresistible Grace

P: Perseverance of the Saints

Conclusion and Summary